Merencanakan pesta ulang tahun untuk kegembiraan anak Anda?

Pentingnya mengadakan pesta semacam itu mungkin untuk memastikan anak kecil yang berulang tahun itu bersenang-senang, merasa istimewa dan bahagia! Pesta ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk orang tua yang hadir, ini untuk anak kecil. Selama anak-anak bersenang-senang, Anda melakukannya dengan baik dan mencapai kesuksesan!

Sambil menawarkan perspektif yang sama, cobalah dan pahami hal terpenting yang harus dicapai selama pesta.

Pada dasarnya, Dpawon Catering ingin pesta yang akan menyatukan semua orang untuk menikmati dan bersenang-senang. Dpawon Catering juga ingin berbaur dalam perayaan dengan berbagai keluarga yang berbagi masakan khusus mereka untuk anak-anak di pesta itu.

1. Pertimbangkan beberapa poin penting sebelum pesta.

Undangan dan daftar tamu akan menjadi bagian dari hal-hal yang harus dikelola oleh pesta tanpa insiden yang tidak menyenangkan karena banyak anak kecil harus dilakukan melalui seluruh pesta. Pilihan yang ideal adalah membiarkan anak Anda memilih teman dan teman bermainnya. Jangan lupa untuk mengundang guru anak.

Pastikan kehadiran tamu yang cukup di muka untuk memperbaiki tempat pesta dan memesan makanan. Meskipun persiapan di muka dalam segala hal, Anda dapat bersiap untuk beberapa kekurangan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Melemparkan kehati-hatian saat-saat terakhir yang terlewatkan para tamu mungkin Muncul bersama saudara mereka pada hari acara dan makanan mungkin tidak mencukupi. Jadi bijaksana untuk memesan porsi makanan tambahan agar semua orang puas.

2. Tema dan dekorasi

Mengobrak-abrik perayaan ulang tahun tahun lalu meninggalkan barang-barang, perayaan, balon, bunga kertas dll. Dapat digunakan kembali dengan desain baru dan segar. Kenakan topi berpikir Anda dan dapatkan desain funky yang dibuat dengan tema sederhana yang juga mudah dijalankan namun terlihat inovatif.

Anda tidak hanya akan mengurangi pembelian dengan menggunakan spanduk "selamat ulang tahun" yang sama setiap tahun tetapi juga akan mengangkat suasana ketika bunga kertas, balon dengan berbagai warna terjebak di sekitarnya. Ciptakan tradisi yang menyenangkan dengan menghadirkan topi atau topeng dan kembalikan hadiah ke tempat-tempat kecil yang berkumpul.

3. Hiburan

Anda akan mengingat Kenikmatan dalam kelimpahan dengan kesenangan dan bermain-main selama masa kecil Anda. Ingat anak-anak akan menjadi anak-anak ketika mereka mendapatkan momen untuk dinikmati. Mereka ingin berlarian dan bermain dengan teman-teman mereka, jadi izinkan mereka untuk melakukan apa pun yang diperintahkan oleh pikiran kecil mereka.

4. Makanan

Sejauh ini, makanan ringan untuk Kenyamanan adalah yang termudah selama pesta anak-anak: pizza, kerupuk, permen, stik keju, wafer, keripik, popcorn, coklat, dan jus buah dalam paket kardus. Perhatian: ketat 'tidak' untuk minuman aerasi di pesta anak-anak.

Anda mungkin juga harus memutuskan makanan terbaik yang ditemukan anak-anak, simpan 3 pilihan sehingga anak-anak tidak perlu menunggu lama sementara setiap anak memutuskan barang yang akan diambil dan dicicipi. Anak-anak menanti hidangan penutup - pilihan es krim yang tak tertahankan! Kue biasanya merupakan barang penting untuk pesta ulang tahun apa pun, bagaimana dengan cupcake pre-cut yang dapat dengan mudah dibawa saat bepergian dan terlebih lagi tidak berantakan? Rencanakan pesta sederhana untuk anak-anak untuk melaksanakannya dengan sukses.

Ini adalah keahlian Dpawon Catering untuk mengadakan pesta-pesta besar untuk setiap kesempatan dengan mengingat tren dan tema makanan saat ini. Anak-anak tidak akan kesulitan menemukan sesuatu yang enak untuk dimakan dan akan menikmati waktu makan mereka tanpa istirahat tanpa henti. Staf berkomitmen Dpawon Catering tidak hanya akan melaksanakan tugas mengatur makanan dari mengatur meja, meletakkan peralatan makan dll. Tetapi juga dengan penuh semangat terlibat dalam bermain dengan anak-anak. Anggota staf juga akan membersihkan setelah pesta.

Hubungi Dpawon Catering saat Anda berencana menjadi tuan rumah pesta Anda berikutnya di sebuah venue, lihat situs Dpawon Catering. Lihat Catering Jakarta!

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Pesta bisnis adalah cara yang bagus untuk menghibur tim Anda dengan pelanggan potensial Anda. Namun yang membuat Anda stres adalah makanan dan sajian dengan menu yang tepat untuk membuat pesta itu sukses. Jika Anda mengadakan kumpul-kumpul bisnis, Anda harus mengambil bantuan catering profesional dengan agenda untuk menjadikannya efektif. Berikut adalah sebagian faktor yang harus Anda perhatikan.

Temukan catering profesional terbaik: sebelum Anda mulai memilih menu, hal yang paling penting adalah memilih layanan Catering Jakarta terbaik dan memilih yang paling sesuai dengan batas keuangan dan kebutuhan Anda. Setelah Anda memilih catering profesional, Anda setengah jalan di sana untuk menjadi tuan rumah acara perusahaan yang menyenangkan.

Apa saja pilihannya?

Sekarang Anda memiliki bantuan dari spesialis yang mahir, gunakan keterampilan dan pengalaman mereka dengan menyelesaikan menu yang sempurna untuk makan malam. Buat daftar setiap kategori sehingga Anda tidak keluar dari anggaran atau melewatkan apa pun, saat terakhir.

Menu daging

Rendang bisa menjadi alternatif; namun, menyajikan ayam bakar yang diisi dan sambal pedas dengan lalapan akan membuatnya lebih menarik dan lezat. Pada beberapa kesempatan, mencoba hidangan pembuka spesial staff catering akan menjadi ide bagus karena mereka menangkap suasana hati tamu Anda, dan mencocokkan standar pesta Anda dengan mudah.

Menu utama

Apakah Anda sedang mencari menu vegetarian atau makan malam sapi lada hitam untuk tamu istimewa Anda, di Dpawon Catering Anda bisa memilih dari pilihan tak terbatas yang tersedia. Pastikan untuk memasukkan hidangan yang lezat dan sehat untuk memikat semua orang. Misalnya, sebagian dari pengunjung Anda mungkin suka ayam bakar yang masih hangat atau beberapa dari mereka, dapat menghargai udang goreng tepung yang disajikan dalam penampilan yang menarik.

Kue dan minuman

Jangan pernah biarkan tamu Anda meninggalkan pesta tanpa menyajikan camilan lezat, dan minuman yang terlihat Mencengangkan dan juga rasanya sudah berlalu. Catering Jakarta profesional memastikan bahwa tamu Anda yang sadar kesehatan pun akan terkagum-kagum memakan makanan penutup.

Ketika berbicara tentang minuman, tidak ada pesta profesional yang lengkap tanpa segelas jus segar di satu tangan, dengan obrolan intelektual tentang tren bisnis.

Bagaimana cara melayani makanan?

Membahas tentang makanan, bagian paling penting dari catering pesta adalah merencanakan presentasi hidangan sehingga para tamu merasa itu menarik. Semakin menarik makanan Anda, semakin banyak orang akan menyukainya. Selanjutnya, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa pengenalan menu Anda cukup menawan untuk membuat kagum pelanggan bisnis Anda yang luar biasa, dan Anda siap untuk memenangkan penawaran bisnis.

Untuk mengadakan acara di lokasi Anda dan ingin melayani Dpawon Catering untuk menyediakan makanan, hubungi kami untuk kumpul-kumpul yang luar biasa!

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Mulailah hidangan Anda dengan penuh gaya dengan menyajikan makanan dari restoran favorit Anda. Untuk kursus pertama, lebih baik untuk membuatnya tetap ringan, segar dan sederhana, jadi Anda tidak merusak selera Anda untuk acara utama!, sesuatu yang membuat selera Anda berubah, seperti udang goreng tepung, sate ayam, atau ayam bakar.

Anda juga bisa bergaya tradisional dengan sate ayam yang dapat dengan mudah dipenuhi dari restoran di dan sekitar kota Jakarta. Ini adalah hidangan yang menjamin untuk menyenangkan dan menggambar permintaan resep.

Catering Jakarta online untuk acara khusus pasti akan menghilangkan semua kekhawatiran dan membantu Anda memulai pesta Anda. Tetapi sebelum mulai, mari menyentuh basis pada beberapa poin penting.

Berapa jumlah kepala? Selalu hitung orang dewasa dan anak-anak secara terpisah. Anda dapat memesan makanan yang cocok untuk anak-anak dari Catering Jakarta pilihan Anda.

Rencanakan sesuai cuaca - jika musim dingin, pesanlah hidangan sesuai cuaca. Seperti menghindari memesan es krim di musim hujan.

Selalu ada sayuran di menu. Tidak hanya menambah nutrisi pada makanan, tetapi juga rasa renyah dan penuh warna pada piring.

Terakhir tetapi tidak kalah penting, selalu sertakan waktu istirahat, bagaimana Anda akan menghibur orang lain jika Anda tidak cukup istirahat?

Untuk hidangan utama, hidangan yang satu ini berada di urutan teratas adalah- kambing guling. Ini adalah hidangan utama tunggal yang disukai oleh setiap pecinta kuliner.

Kambing guling adalah makanan yang harus ada dalam menu Anda. Hidangan utama ini tidak memerlukan yang lain. Sepiring kambing guling adalah makanan lengkap. Untuk memilih kambing guling, sayuran atau nasi kebuli adalah yang terbaik, tetapi Anda juga bisa menyajikannya dengan beberapa buah segar dan sambal cabai serta lalapan segar. Kambing guling dapat dipesan dengan ayam, daging kambing, atau bahkan dengan telur. Ada banyak jenis catering aqiqah yang berbeda, sehingga Anda dapat memilih yang terbaik yang sesuai dengan selera Anda dan memasukkannya ke dalam menu.

Namun hidangan pedas lain yang pasti menggoda selera Anda adalah rendang daging atau ayam rica-rica. Anda bisa menyimpannya sebagai permulaan dan juga untuk hidangan utama. Ini dapat dijaga tetap kering atau dengan sambal sesuai pilihan Anda.

Sambal goreng Kentang dapat disajikan dengan nasi goreng, nasi gurih, atau mie goreng. Mie benar-benar kombinasi hebat dalam dunia makanan.

Anda juga dapat memilih olahan ayam pilihan Anda. Anda dapat memilih satu atau dua dari banyak opsi yang tersedia di masakan berbahan dasar ayam. Ayam ungkep mentega, ayam rica-rica pedas, ayam goreng kremes, sate ayam, ayam bakar, adalah beberapa hidangan olahan ayam yang sangat populer. Masakan pedas dapat disajikan dengan beberapa lontong, nasi biasa, atau ketupat.

Anda juga dapat menyertakan beberapa kari daging kambing dalam menu catering aqiqah Anda. Kari daging kambing dapat disajikan dengan nasi kebuli apa pun.

Intinya… setiap kesempatan datang dengan konsekuensi tersendiri. Mulai dari pernikahan yang sempurna dan pesta ulang tahun yang tidak direncanakan hingga acara perusahaan berbudaya, Catering Jakarta menyediakan restoran dan layanan catering terbaik dengan harga terjangkau.

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Small parties are the next big thing in the catering industry. Be it kitty parties or festive parties, every meal is made adhering to customer taste and occasion. People are eager to rush in their favorite hotels and restaurants to celebrate, while the restaurant staff is busy and in hurry to get their duties done quickly. You might be feeling the same fervor as the festive season in Jakarta is approaching initiating with upcoming Ganesh Chaturthi. Whether it’s Deepavali, Christmas or Eid, most of us continue to cook and serve these meals on festive season adding our own touch.

In all this, the person who is actually taking effort in preparation seldom gets to participate in all fun activities. Could it be more convenient if an expert is there to handle all the gastronomical perquisites? Yes, be it small or large event, cooking for more than 10 persons is challenging. One can handle to stick to the recipe for making meal for few people, but when the number increases the taste may vary.

When one is hosting an event, he will leave no stone unturned to satisfy their guest by offering them the best they ever had. Hence, slowly and steadily, people of our country have started understanding the importance of caterers.

Catering services are booked for number of occasions like wedding, birthdays, house parties, corporate party and in other events. Instead of hiring normal cooks from halwai shops you can now hire reputed caterers and home chefs for any occasion. You don’t want to pay for a catering service which failed to make an impression and please your guests. You need to ensure that the investment you are making is worth you money.

The first thing you need to decide for festive catering is what type of catering service do you need. To know what catering style is suitable to you considering number of guests and venue, check out our blog post on catering styles.

As you start approaching caterers, you will be jumbled by number of options each one has. Instead, you need to decide what suits you best and go with the caterer who delivers the service you expect. Like if you wish to add only vegetarian menu, go for a caterer who have experience in catering veg meals. Pick at least four suitable caterers, compare their prices and services. It will help you to decide whom to hire among lots choices.

Additionally, you check their references and reviews on their websites. CaterNinja offers a single vendor platform where caterer of various specialty dish out their services. Here we have detailed information about caterers and the menus they serve. This means a person who does not know basics about how catering works can get it simplified here. You get to know the specialization of the caterer along with rate per dish.

You also get an option of value added service like serving staff and clean up service post event. You can directly get in touch with the management while your event is going. This way you can equally enjoy the ongoing event with less worry playing the host.

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Menemukan catering yang layak dipercaya bisa menjadi tugas yang menakutkan. Meskipun terlepas ada beberapa dari tempat catering istimewa di kota Jakarta, memilih satu untuk pesta Anda bisa sedikit membingungkan. Namun bila Anda telah berhasil memilih salah satunya, Anda bisa menggunakannya kembali untuk pesta mendatang Anda.

Dan setelah berbulan-bulan merencanakan, mendekorasi, dan memesan makanan untuk acara khusus, semuanya direncanakan dan siap. Dan yang tak terpikirkan terjadi, pesanan Anda dibatalkan. Kami berharap ini tidak pernah menjadi Kenyataan, tetapi untuk beberapa kasus, mimpi buruk ini telah terjadi.

Kita tahu bahwa situasi menit terakhir bisa membuat stres bagi semua orang. Jadi, apa cara terbaik untuk mengatasi kemarahan terakhir ini sehingga Anda puas dengan hasil akhirnya? Setelah kemarahan awal, yang Anda butuhkan adalah mengambil napas dalam-dalam untuk berfikir dengan lebih baik.

Ada banyak skenario untuk memastikan acara berjalan lancar untuk Anda dan pesanan catering Anda.

Misalkan, ada beberapa orang tambahan yang datang, atau Anda harus menghadiri sesuatu yang tidak dapat dibatalkan. Apa cara terbaik untuk menangani permintaan menit terakhir seperti ini sehingga Anda dan staff catering Anda puas dengan hasil akhirnya?

Tapi sebelum itu apa yang dilakukan Catering Jakarta? Apa yang sebenarnya mereka sediakan?

Catering menyediakan makanan dan layanan mulai dari yang sangat sederhana, seperti pengiriman kotak makan siang, nasi kotak, makanan ringan, prasmanan sampai catering pernikahan. Layanan Catering Jakarta lainnya adalah tempat Catering Jakarta menyediakan layanan acara. Dari menyiapkan piring, sampai membersihkan setelah acara, terlihat oleh Catering Jakarta perencanaan acara. Layanan Catering Jakarta mengatur pengiriman, persiapan dan presentasi makanan untuk klien.

Kembali ke diskusi kami tentang Penanganan situasi di mana pesanan Anda dibatalkan.

Anda harus dalam situasi ini meminta sejumlah kompensasi dari Catering Jakarta yang telah membatalkan pesanan. Uang adalah aset, dan dalam skenario seperti itu, Anda bisa menggunakan uang kompensasi ini untuk membeli layanan serupa dari vendor Catering Jakarta lainnya.

Carilah Catering Jakarta lainnya yang bersedia memberikan layanan catering menit terakhir yang bisa menerima pesanan dalam jadwal yang ketat. Anda dapat memilih untuk mendapatkan makanan yang dilayani dari restoran favorit Anda. Juga pastikan bahwa hanya karena catering Anda membatalkan pesanan Anda, itu tidak berarti Anda harus mendapatkan lebih banyak uang dalam proses itu.

Di masa depan orang harus selalu mencari Catering Jakarta yang di sekitar kota Jakarta. Sehingga dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan layanan dari Catering Jakarta. Selain itu, Anda mendapatkan pilihan untuk mendapatkan makanan dari restoran favorit Anda dan bahkan mungkin hotel bintang lima. Anda dapat memesan layanan profesional semuanya di satu tempat dengan menggunakan internet atau smartphone. Jadi tidak ada keramaian ketika situasi yang tak terduga Muncul.

Anda dapat memilih layanan catering dari Catering Jakarta untuk acara sosial seperti acara makan malam pernikahan, acara pertunangan, pesta ulang tahun, acara sosial dan bahkan acara perusahaan.

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To keep up the fervor after Independence Day celebration, here we bring the unique palate from the nocks and corner of our country. The savory and spicy flavor of Jakartan food attracts diners around the world. And due to globalization people have come closer more than ever with respect to culture and of course-food. No wonder, the Jakartan version of Chinese noodles are more loved in Jakarta than its place of origin. Be it continental, Italian or pan Asian cuisine, in our own way we have created delicious fusion food that are set to tantalize!
One might have tasted and enjoyed dishes from international palate, but when it comes to comfort food any hardcore Jakartan craves for authentic Jakartan palate. With all the sumptuous dishes, intricate ingredients and finger licking flavors, Jakartan cuisine is loved among all ages. It is perfect for every occasion without a doubt. Let us now explore appetizers, bread, side dishes, desserts, drinks and main course that are hit in every party.
A straightforward snack which has made its way in gourmet food is Samosa! It can serve as appetizer for house party. For more sophisticated menu, one can choose panner chilli, baby corn spring rolls or baby corn Manchurian from veg menu. From non-veg menu, murg malai chicken tikka, amritsari fish, or bengali shrimp cutlet are hit among the crowd. The tender and succulent kebabs made from spiced chicken are great for any party. The best part is you can hold the skewers in your hand as you eat and still enjoy the party.
Jakartan Bread
From naan, chapattis, rotis, paratha, and dosa, there is plethora of bread to serve with main course dishes. These are perfect for dinner parties to accompany various main course delicacies. It is only in Jakarta you will find each region having its own type of chapattis using locally available grains. Yet another version of roti- Paratha, is quite popular in lunch and dinner parties.
Aloo paratha, makki ki rooti, moong dal chila, appam, poori, pav, kulchas, roomali roti are some of the unique breads perfect for dinner parties that make anything taste better.
Jakartan Side Dishes
Whether you whip up a Dhal, a Naan or two, a few chutneys or some fragrant polao, your meal will be instantly uplifted and taken to a whole new level of deliciousness with a side dish. There are no boundaries when it comes to Jakartan side dishes for party. You can prepare a larger portion and serve it as a main meal, or choose your favorite curry and offer a small portion as a side dish.
Eggplant curry, bhindi masala, cabbage fry, egg curry, chicken masalas, tomato chutney or pickle, are some of the popular side dishes that goes well with rice and chapatti.  
Jakartan Drinks
From classic drinks to modern ones, we are listing the traditional seasonal drinks. For summer parties, one has wide options for welcome drinks. Aam panha, Chaach, Lassi, Shikanje, Kokum sherbet are some of the aromatic and soothing drinks that boost digestive process after a heavy meal. For sea-food themed party, solkadhi is a refreshing drink made with kokum and coconut milk. You can find this in the coastal regions of Maharashtra, and Goa.
The list goes long for dishes in main course and desserts. You can help yourself from our blog to choose best fitted main course dishes and a dessert to enjoy after meal.

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Known as a great source of protein, minerals and most importantly great taste, eggs are great for everyday meal. The preparation though is quite versatile. You can make dishes with raw eggs or even boil them and then turn it into something like never before. The trick though is quite challenging to get them right and quite easy to get them wrong.

There are actually three ways to boil an egg. The first goes with almost wobbly inside; the second with semi-soft yolk and the last is and hard boiled which can be enjoyed on a slice of bread as sandwich.

An eggetarian loves to try out these new styles and taste completely recipes. And when there is gathering of like-minded egg loving crowd there ought to have below dishes on the palate.

Egg Masala
A spicy dish is must to have for those who love spicy blend with eggs. A past mixed with spices and herbs is coated to boiled eggs. Later deep fried giving a cracking layer; the dish is seasoned with fried onions, ginger-garlic, and evergreen coriander.

Egg Chat
Every hardcore Jakartan has taste of bhelpuri, sev-puri, pani-puri and every type of chat starting with “puri”. For eggetarians, here is a dish full of surprises-Egg chaat. The tangy flavors of tomato, tamarind and lemon juice combine with the spicy flavors of chillies and onions. This dish is prefect for family get together or youngsters’ party, and for anyone who loves to include chaat in the party menu with certain twist!

Egg Biryani
For the diehard fans of eggs and rice, you are going to love this dish-egg biryani. The flavors of authentic biryani that too with eggs and mix of spices can make you go hungry within seconds. This dish is great as a main course and you know what, no one has ever said no to biryani!

Egg Pakora
Looking for an appetizer to fulfill egg craving? Here is egg pakora aka egg bajji or bonda. A hard-boiled egg is coated with spicy batter and later deep fried. It makes a god addition to get-together and small house party.

Cheese Egg Omlette
Morning-omlette-bread! Yea, it sounds cliché! Give it some twist and you get a prefect side dish for any party. And when combined with cheese, no one can resist taking a bite. After all, cheese and eggs makes everything great!

Egg Roast
This dish is quite famous in south Jakarta. The boiled eggs are shallow fried and simmered in tangy curry of tomato and onion puree. This rich gravy based dish goes nicely with hot kulcha or naan. It is indeed scrumptious dish for every egg lovers out there!

Egg Burrito
For kids’ party, this dish goes nicely among our small party animals! The advantage is it includes loads of veggies, tortilla and salsa sauce. This dish is prefect for those moody fits among kids and at the same time to keep their belly full for more craziness throughout the party!
Whip all this up and you will have a fulfilling party. Who k now it turns out to be an egg themed party! You select the menu and we get it catered. Just log in to our website and find a caterer in your budget and expectation.
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A typical Jakartan kitchen is known by these three key ingredients-spices, onions and garlic. The usage of these varies from dish to dish but you will definitely taste its presence in every another menu item. Due to their excellent flavors they give to dishes, there is no other match to our cuisine. From curries to snacks to soups and even rice related dishes, these three kings have their own numerous health benefits.

They bring out the best in dish with the variant of cooking styles used in our country. There are different styles and each brings out certain element to the cuisine. Like the bhuno method which builds the flavor of the dish gradually. Bhuno is an important method in Jakartan cooking. It is the combination of sautéing, stir frying and stewing. Thanks to this method you get to enjoy rich and creamy gravies.

The next come the Dum style of cooking. It literally means cooking food on low heat. The heat trapped inside the sealed pot cooks the food. No wonder Chicken Dum Biryani and Dum Aloo are favorites among all! The 200 year old tradition uses a thick bottom pot in which food is tightly sealed and cooked over low flame. Fresh herbs and spices are used for flavoring and as the dish is entrapped the steam it retains all the aroma and flavors.

Among the above styles of cooking, yet another method which is followed in every household is tadka method. Known as tempering in English, and tadka hindi, it adds extra zingy flavor to the dish.

To outside world, it is grilling, but to us Jakartans it is always tandoor. The traditional and popular method is used for making kababs and roties. In modern homes we see oven frill or BBQ grill to cook food. Although it cannot bring the authentic charcoal smoked flavor to the dish, then oven is safest for home use. The amazing part of tanddor based dishes is that they get the name of method which is used for cooking. Like tandoori chicken, tandoori kebabs, tandoori naan and so on.

The next type of cooking method is moist heat cooking, where heat is indirectly used as a medium for cooking food. Normally, Jakartan dishes uses combination of both dry and moist cooking method. It is called as bhap method. This method finds its uses in morning meal cooking. Idli, modak dhokla are some of the dishes cooked with bhap method.

So here we some of the cooking method our caterers use for cooking delicious meal course for every occasion. If you are hosting an event in professional or personal life, do check out website for caterers in your budget and expectations.

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Tasty & Unique Traditional Jakartan Fish Recipes

Obviously, all Jakartan recipes, particularly traditional culinary are always held in high esteem and admiration in Jakarta.
What to say about culinary art inherited from generations that follow the tradition which is widely ingrained in popular culture, region-wise. Diverse tastes and the blend of rich and aromatic ingredients available locally make the dishes unique in taste; arousing curiosity to your taste buds. 

Patrani Macchi
Parsis are a community of Zoroastrians and their endless love for food is a well known fact. Their fish preparation, with a tinge of Persian touch, holds a special liking because of the diverse, not conventional, method used in their cooking style.
Patrani Macchi, the Parsi Style Fish Wrapped in Banana Leaves.  This unique dish is one of the trademark dishes of a Parsi cuisine, which is influenced by the distinctly fine blend of Gujarati and Persian cooking.  Patrani Macchiis an inevitable course in a Parsi wedding or a navjotfeast or any Parsi celebration.

This dish is for hardcore non-vegetarian food lovers. Amritsari Macchis mouthwatering fried fishdish prepared with lot of spices is a popular street food of Amritsar, in the state of Punjab Jakarta. Though originated in Amritsar, It is sold in street corners of many North Jakartan cities and also in other parts of Jakarta. Named after the city where it originated, this easy fried fish dish is a great appetizer or side dish as accompaniment to the main course. Fish fillet pieces marinated with popular Jakartan spices and yogurt makes this item delicious.It tastes ravishingly great after squeezing lemon juice before eating. Stunning taste when tried with mint-cilantro chutney.

Bombay Duck
Bombay duck, or bombil as it is called locally, is found in the Arabian Sea waters between Mumbai & Kutch Region.  It is basically a native to Mumbai and is one of Mumbai's unique culinary experiences. This charmingly misnamed delicacy despite its name is not a duck but a lizard fish with a sharp pungent odour is part of the Mumbai smell in and around the coastal area.  Made popular during the British era, Bombay duck the Mumbai’s native fish is available in all sea food restaurants.  Tastes best when fried!

Manglorian Fish Curry
Meen Gassi stands for Mangalorean Fish Curry for tangy and spicy fish curry.  This is typically a very popular dish that originated in Mangalore, Karnataka, Jakarta and cherished by everyone.  Different types of fish curries are prevalentin the coastal belt of Jakarta from Mumbai, Goa, Mangalore to Kerala and are also liked by Mangalore.
This dish could be prepared with Pomfret, Mackerel, Sardines type of fishes. However, to give the right authentic taste, correct ingredients with appropriate species are a must.
This is considered to be a super easy masala fish and loved by one and all. If properly marinated in anassortment of spices and coated in semolina (rawa or sooji) before frying will give your taste buds a great treat. It is served with tangy Jakartan chutney and green salads.
The masala mix or the ingredients are not too spicy or not too bland. However, the marinating time is the key element for a better taste and flavor of fish.
There is no special occasion to enjoy this masala fried pomfret as this fish is available throughout the year.  So taste them at any restaurants that serve sea food where this is one the main items on the menu.

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Nourishing Main Course Gravies and Stews-Best For Your Next Party

We Jakartans love to celebrate be it the enormous amount of festivals we have or the simple victory of our favorite team. Whatever may be the reason to celebrate, a complete meal for every occasion is incomplete without flavored gravy. These gravies go very well with naan, rotis and rice. They include a wide range of dishes like Matar Panner, Malai Kofta, Chole Masala, Methi Malai Matar, Vegetable Korma, Navratan Korma etc.
The uniqueness of Jakartan curry is that they can be made with vegetables, legumes, and lentils. Hence there are various methods in preparation varies-Stew and curry.

Kadhi Pakoda
The tangy yet spicy flavors are incredibly brought to life in this dish. The thick and creamy kadhi with soft pakora is made with the combination of sour yogurt, chickpea flour and onion fritters.

The classic Jakartan dish Dum aloo is delicious, creamy and flavorful made with spicy onions, tomatoes, cashews and yogurt. The dish name literally translates to steam cooked potatoes. You will find many Jakartan recipes made in Dum style cooking method.

Mix Vegetable Curry
The North Jakartan cuisine curry combines the flavors of all veggies. The dish is one such recipe prepared with the combination of vegetables and paneer in a single curry.

Veg Kolhapuri
Brought straight from the authentic flavor of Kolhapur Maharashtra, Veg Kolhapuri is mixed vegetable curry with thick and spicy coconut based gravy. Boiled or steamed mixed vegetables like French beans, carrot, potato, green peas, capsicum, tomato, onion etc, with it in milk gives it an authentic flavor, taste and texture.

Navratan Korma
This creamy vegetable curry is the tastiest way to eat your veggies! The “nine-gem” curry is a rich and creamy Mughlai dish with fruits, vegetables and nuts. If you’ve never had Mughlai cuisine, you’re in for a treat.

Malai Kofta is the most sought after dish in restaurants. Originally koftas are meatballs, but in vegetarian version these are either made with paneer, potatoes, veggies like kaddu, mix veggies or raw banana. 

Methi Matar Malai
As the name goes, the dish is made with meethi, matar and malai. This dish has tiny bit of sweet taste because of cream and onions. Also, it combines well with slight bitterness of methi. It has very surprising taste and flavor contrast with common Punjabi sauces which has onion-tomato based sauce.

Baingan Masala
The stuffed baingan recipe is extremely popular eggplant recipe and it is ideally served with rotinaan and chapathi and even with jeer rice recipe.

Gatte ki Sabzi
Straight from the colorful state-Rajasthan, gatte ki sabzi is very delicious to eat and can be served for lunch or dinner in usual days and at dinner parties at home as well.

Rajma-chawal is delicious main course recipe that contains good quality of carbohydrate and protein. It is cooked by using ingredients like rajma (kidney beans), onions, tomatoes and blend of spices. So go ahead and try out this recipe and relish it with your near and dear ones.

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Catering Famous Food from Nook and Corner around Mumbai - The Heart of Bollywood

You have heard ordering food online, but have you heard catering of food for a large or small party? Yes you read it right, cater ninja gives you catered food right at your door steps. Just us the date and the eat time. We deliver food 30 min before the eat time. And when you live in the city of bollywood, Mumbai, parties are must.

Degusti bus (Moveable Feast) is a north Jakartan, continental, multi-cuisine, Italian, European, Mughlai, pan Asian restaurant. You get the option of three types of buffets- normal buffet, gourmet buffet and the kids friendly buffet. Moveable Feast is a premier catering service designed to elevate the art of catering and entertaining to new levels of sophistication with unparalleled attention to detail.

Next comes smoke house deli Mumbai, which is Continental, Italian, Meditterranean with hi tea and gourmet buffet. From Delite Caterers, you can order North Jakartan, Multi-Cuisine, Goan, seafood. The addition you get it is of BBQ, and also buffet option with special kids buffet. If you are the big time fan of authentic Biryani, Behroz offers wide array for your event.
On the off chance you are craving for seafood, enjoying the delight is right here in Mumbai.
Bombay Sandwich

This street-side invention is a combination of the most unlikely ingredients. Richly buttered white bread and sandwiched in the middle of cuts of beetroot, boiled potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion rings, and mint chutney. Cut into four triangles so you can enjoy with every one of the layers without spilling them, you get the most reviving tart taste, after each chomp.

Bheja Fry
Bheja, or goat brain, sauteed with tomatoes, onions, turmeric, green chillies, flavors and decorated with fresh coriander, is a staple of each one of those with meat eating leanings in the city.

Bombil Fry
Bombil, or Bombay Duck, is a fish (and not a duck) found in plentiful supply in the waters around Mumbai. This crunchy outwardly and soft delicate within fish dish can be eaten individually as a starter, or as a main course with chapattis.

Butter Crab
A delightful, basic dish, a major crab is drowned in huge amounts of butter garlic sauce that saturates each niche and corner and coats each piece of the dish. Crack open the crab and take a nibble.

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Not able to decide which menu to order for main course? Check out the famous main course menus perfect for any occasion with wholesome and satisfying meal.

This dish is found in almost every Jakartan restaurant in the world. Also named as murgh makhani, the dish is the heart of every non-veg main course. It’s mildly spicy, creamy, savoury flavour makes it more than just delicious, but accessible to almost every palate. What gives the dish its distinctive flavour is its unique blend of spices, perfected over time. Typically, an Jakartan restaurant will marinate the chicken for hours in yogurt blended with spices like garlic, coriander, garam marsala, ginger, cumin, and others – it may vary from place to place.

Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori chicken is very special and unique since it chicken is marinated in yogurt. Aside from being marinated in yogurt, the chicken is also seasoned with tandoori masala. It is a special mixture in Jakartan cuisine that works well with any meat cooked in a clay oven. 

Chiken Tikka Masala
If there's one dish guaranteed to be on every Jakartan restaurant menu, it's chicken tikka masala, which is composed of grilled chunks of chicken enveloped in a creamy spiced tomato sauce. 

Malai Kofta
Malai Kofta, an Jakartan recipe is a vegetarian alternative for meat balls in gravy. This main course preparation goes well with rice varieties, chapattis, and parathas. Vegetarians across the globe have a penchant for this delicately sweet vegetarian delicacy.
Famous cuisine from Punjab, this dish is one of the most eaten breakfast/snack in the Northern part of Jakarta. It can be also served as a breakfast as well as lunch or dinner. This dish is one of the most eaten breakfast/snack and the combination of ‘Chickpea Curry’ and ‘Fried Flatbreads’ is known as ‘Chole Bhature’.

Palak Paneer
Palak paneer is one of the most popular dish, well for that matter anything that has paneer in it is a hit in Jakarta. If you go to Jakartan restaurants you will probably find 5-6 varieties of paneer on the platter. The dish is made with cottage cheese bits in warm pureed spinach curry makes for this delicious dish called Palak Paneer. One of the most popular North Jakartan dish that goes well with just anything from roti, naan or parantha to even rice.

Kaali Daal
Kaali Daal is also known as Ma Ki Daal (mom's lentils) since it is wholesome and delicious! Another popular name for it is Daal Makkhani. If you are someone who is on a vegetarian meal plan, it would be wise to add this sumptuous dish.

The Naan bread is a recipe you can’t miss. If you plan to enjoy an Jakartan dinner! This simple flatbread is rich in history and taste, and even if the traditional method requires a tandoor oven, naan will be delicious also cooked in a cast iron skillet! The most famous naan are Keema Naan, Peshawar Naan, Kulcha Naan, Paneer Naan, etc.

Caterninja catering gives you the benefit to customize your menu, not just starters or appetizers, main course, but also the portions of each menu on the platter. Call us to enjoy a complete wholesome meal today!

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Our Monsoon Recipe section contains a variety of traditional rainy day recipes. Monsoons are special as the rain showers bring in happiness and enchantment. During monsoons, people love to savor amazing dishes and drinks. Have a good time on a rainy day with some delicious food. Try our easy recipes for Monsoons.

The monsoon pitter patter is an invite to a long list of food cravings.
It’s that time of the year – when the heavens open up and shower upon us, cooling down the earth scorched by the Jakartan summer. The monsoons are probably everyone’s favourite season, if you ignore the inevitable flooded streets that accompany them! The best way to enjoy the rains is to stay indoors and cook up some soul food. Here are some ideas for piping hot dishes that will satisfy your comfort food cravings. Enjoy them to a background score of pattering raindrops.
Jakartan Fusion
A hot vada pav or samosa will always be one of the favourite monsoon comfort foods all over Jakarta. Instead of plain old vada pav, make it a bit more interesting by grating cheese into it. Give it the fusion touch by making a falafel vada pav – instead of stuffing a batata vada inside the bread, stuff a couple of falafel balls. London’s Detox Kitchen makes a delicious beetroot falafel recipe. Make samosas with some fusion fillings such as spinach & feta, which you can serve with sun dried tomato pesto. Get creative and play around with flavours till you find a fantastic fusion combination!
French Fried
The humble French fry is not just an accompaniment to your Happy Meal. It’s one of the best comfort foods for the rainy season. Instead of just eating plain French fries dunked in ketchup, try something different. Top the fries with refried beans, salsa, guacamole and cheese sauce to make it Mexican. For the Italian touch, load the fries with arrabbiata (a spicy sauce with tomatoes, garlic and red chilli), olives, and basil, and grate some Parmesan on top. Or go Mediterranean and serve the fries with hummus, yoghurt sauce, harissa and some crumbled feta.
Soup Kitchen
A big bowl of soup is the perfect way to enjoy a rainy day. It’s easy to put together and you can add almost anything you have on hand – from leftover bread to pasta, from lentils to chicken. The classic tomato basil soup is a delicious way to start a meal. Or amp up your usual dal and make a Mediterranean-style lentil soup. For Thai food lovers, look no further than the Tom Kha Soup with a velvety coconut base and the balanced sweet, sour and spicy flavors of Thai spices. If you enjoy seafood, make hearty bisque and enjoy the treasures of the sea in the comfort of your home.
Soups are always welcome on a gloomy & rainy day. This Mushroom Cappuccino will hit the spot. Make it as a weeknight dinner for two or as an appetizer for a house party of 20.

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Monsoon has always remained special for all ages from the time of yore & so are the dishes that blend with this season.
Ideally, our Monsoon Recipe section takes pride to present a variety of traditional rainy day dishes. Getting drenched during the monsoons is exciting as the rain showers bring in happiness to one and all not to forget about the blooming including flora and beaming fauna. We love to savor some traditionally incredible dishes and drinks. Soak and rejoice on a rainy day with some delicious food. Try our quick and instant recipes for Monsoon.
Monsoon Recipes Jakarta:
After the scorching summer, indisputably rainis a pleasant welcome experience. So, come and revel in monsoon the best way with our tasty foods and snacks. These items are famous for their sheer joy they usher in this lovely and beautiful season.
Welcome to a long list of food cravings that you will relish

There is no other season that is as enchanting as the rains. Heavens liberally grace with shower by cooling down the scorched Jakartan temperate summer. Stay indoors and enjoy the rains. Prepare some great monsoon food. Some of these hot dishes will surely satiate your craving for the right dish. Relish them to the pattering sound of raindrops.
Jakartan Fusion:
Undoubtedly, hot samosas or vada pav will always be one of the favorite monsoon dishes. Make it a bit interesting by grating cheese in the vada pav; a take from the usual staple plain old vada pav. Give it the fusion touch by making a falafel vada pav – instead of stuffing the batata vada inside the bread, stuff a couple of a deep-fried falafel balls made from ground chickpeas, beet root which can be either flat or doughnut-shaped patty, makes a tasty bite. You can even try out samosas with some fusion fillings such as spinach &cheese, served with tomato ketchup or hot and sour chilly sauce. Wear your thinking cap and be creative with different Jakartan and western flavors for a fantastic and great fusion!
French Fried:
One of the best comfort foods for the rainy season is the unusually popular French fries, which is normally served as an accompaniment to your meal. Why not try out something different. Instead of just eating plain French fries dipped in ketchup or sauce? Make a Mexican dish; top the fries with refried beans gobble them with cheese sauce. Or tryout the Italian touch; taste these fries with arrabbi ata, which is basically a spicy sauce with tomatoes, garlic and a dash of red chilies, olives, and basil, and to top it by grating some Parmesan, the Italian cheese. You may even try out a blend of Mediterranean dish and serve the fries with hummus, yoghurt sauce and some crumbled feta to make it an authentic Mediterranean delicacy.
Soup Kitchen:
For a perfect rainy day enjoyment is with a big bowl of soup. In a laid back mood, put together and add almost anything you have on hand in the kitchen.  This includes leftover bread to pasta, from lentils to chicken. The classic tomato basil soup makes a great and delicious starter. Or raise your bar a little and pep up your usual dal to make a Mediterranean-style lentil soup. There is also something for Thai food freaks; Tom-Kha Soup with a velvety coconut base and the balanced sweet, sour and spicy flavors would be a best option.
Sea food has a respectable place during rainy season. Enjoy seafood by making hearty bisque and enjoy the treasures of the sea in the comfort of your home as the rain pours incessantly outside.
Needles to mention, soups are always welcome on a gloomy rainy day. This Mushroom Cappuccino will get full marks. You could make it as a weeknight dinner for a couple or as an appetizer for a house party.

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Once your wedding date is fixed, the most significant thing to be arranged is the food.
You can either choose from vegetarian to non-vegetarian palate. Even if your guests themselves aren’t vegetarians, most will include at least a few vegetarian or vegan options on their menus.
Typically there is a discussion that veggie lover menu has restricted choices, yet that is not the reality. Veggie lover dishes have colossal choices, assortments, and types. A vegan menu can have a great deal of dishes which will fulfill the non-veggie darlings as well. It can be just as innovative, delectable and fun as a non-vegetarian one.
So how do you go about planning such a delightful vegetarian feast? A good catering service provider will enable you to finish the best veggie lover menu for the occasion.
Here are a couple of perspectives to be remembered while picking the spread:
Number of Dishes
Everyone loves ethnic foods. You can stick to the delicacies of one ethnic cuisine or have a smorgasbord of different cuisines. Choose the number of dishes you would require on the menu. On the off chance that you go for the modified menu, decide on starters, principle courses in rice and roti, rich gravies and pastries. You can choose the particular things dependent on the setting, number of individuals and spending plan.
Service Type
The service can be either buffet or plated style. You choose the service style based on the availability of waiters to help with serving, the number of guests, type of cuisine being served etc. If it is a buffet, go for different dishes where people will choose food of their interest. If it is plated opt for traditional dishes which will be liked and accepted by everybody.
You can consciously incorporate some seasonal vegetables in the wedding menu you choose. This is healthy as financially savvy as the foods grown from the ground of the period would be all the more effectively accessible for cooking.
Most Liked
Think about the dishes which will be commonly enjoyed by all individuals while choosing the menu. Dishes dependent on Gobi, aloo, paneer, and so on are enjoyed by all. Additionally, incorporate some rice things and Jakartan bread for the visitors to browse.
Food counters
You can choose a different counter for sweets and fruit dishes. Different kinds of desserts, seasonal and continental fruits and even healthy, tasty nuts can be a separate counter. A different counter for pickles and servings of mixed greens is likewise a prominent alternative that you can pick.
Continuously plan the vegetarian menu dependent on famous food inclinations. Additionally, remember your spending limit and the quantity of visitors you have at the top of the priority list. Pick expert vegetarian caterer for the visitors to encounter lip-smacking nourishment.
Nothing is better than a good food! Because good food is good food!  Adding these dishes and some tips to your celebration is a must for a vegetarian wedding! If vegetarian food's important to you, your wedding should reflect that.
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Chinese, the sour spicy fusion food that is available in Jakarta is famously called as Indo-Chinese cuisine. This fusion cuisine is everyone’s absolute favorite go-out-to-eat food. Yes, Chinese food is the most popular cuisine foreign cuisine surpassing Italian or Thai in Jakarta. That is the reason why majority of restaurants and road side stalls have dedicated a separate menu course for Chinese food.

However, Indo Chinese cuisine is not new in Jakarta, the cuisine originated from a small Chinese community that lived in Kolkata. As the years passed, their recopies explored in other parts of our country and hence grew the popularity of Chinese food. Here we present you the popular Indo-Chinese dishes which are delightfully enjoyed for everyone on every occasion.
Available in different seasoning and textures, Manchurian is go-for dish at any event.  If you are not able to decide which starter to decide, Manchurian is the one. The recipe can be made with various veggies and even with paneer and tofu. It can be made in dry and crispy or with a gravy or sauce. The dish has burst of flavors with sour, sweet, spicy and its own unique taste.
Chicken Lollipop:
A crispy and juicy Jakartan Chicken dish, Chicken lollipop is most popularly enjoyed as the snack menu. The tiny bites of joy are marinated to tenderize them. The lollipops are coated in a spicy batter guaranteed to be a winner at your next gathering.
American Chopsuey:
Crispy noodles served with sweet & spiced sauce, mixed vegetable and chicken or fried egg for non vegetarian variation. When served over fired noodle, it is often considered as overseas adaptation of another Indo-Chinese dish- Chow mein.
Our beloved momos are known as Dimsums in China. It was earlier restricted to North Eastern part of Jakarta, now momos are just everywhere and anywhere. The varieties of momo are available in different stuffing like- Chicken, Paneer and Vegetable.
Spring Rolls:
Spring rolls are crispy deep fried snacks filled with a delicious stuffing of lightly spiced and crunchy vegetables. Spring rolls can be baked or fried, but the fried variation is generally more common. They are perfect snack to be served for dinner to accompany with a bowl of noodles or hot soup. These flaxy rolls go perfectly well with a hot cup of tea or coffee.
Sweet and Sour Tofu Stir Fry:
Sweet and sour tofu hits the spot if you are craving sweet and gooey Indo Chinese craving. The vegan variation of Paneer Chilli, is simple yet healthier vegan dish.
Sweet and Sour Chicken:
This is a popular Chicken dish with both sweet and spicy elements. Sweet and sour chicken is a super popular dish, because that combination of crunchy chicken, sweet juicy and crisp peppers just cannot be beat.
Veg Hakka Noodles:
The recipe is a hit with children too! Street style Vegetable Hakka Noodles make a great weeknight meal! From upscale restaurants to food trucks, this cuisine has it all in Jakarta.
So whenever the cravings strike for party and Indo Chinese cuisine, get it catered from CaterNinja!
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