Starting and running any form of food business has its challenges. But of all the things that you need to concern yourself about, the one concern that should be on top of your list when you start a food business is hygiene. This should never, never be overlooked, because doing so will lead to serious health, business, and legal repercussions for you and your business.
In the year 2000, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) was established by an Act of Parliament. The FSA is an independent department of the government that protects the health of the public and the interests of the consumers on all food items. In conjunction with this agency, The General Food Regulations 2004 and the General Food Law Regulation (EC) 178/2002 are legislations that were put in place for food safety; both were based on the Food Safety Act of 1990.
Laws are there for compliance, and as a food business owner, you should do everything you can to make sure you know the law and comply with it. Of course, reading these laws line by line might be time consuming, so just to start you off, here's a quick summary of the most important parts:
  1. Hand washing. Yes, complying with these standards starts with something as simple as washing your hands (1) before you handle food and (2) several times during the cooking process, especially when you handle raw meat. Cross contamination is the most common method through which food borne illnesses spread, and unwashed hands are the most common vehicles for passing harmful organisms around.
  2. Food washing. All the food, especially fruits and vegetables, must also be washed properly before they are cooked or served. However, because some foods spoil faster once they have been washed, you should wash them only right before they are to be used. Do not use soap for washing, as this could be absorbed by the food and be toxic to your customers. Instead, use cold water in washing, and for hard produce such as potatoes, use a clean vegetable brush to scrub its skin.
  3. Site inspection. Regular inspections of the kitchen and all food-related areas such as freezers should be made. These inspections should be done as often as possible, and things that can be improved on should immediately be taken note of and corrected. Additionally, food areas should be cleaned whenever possible. Local authorities can sometimes do inspections themselves without notice, so you should always be prepared.
  4. Transparency. Your customers should know what they are buying. For instance, they should know exactly what is in your sausages. The "nature or substance or quality demanded by the purchaser" should be what is given to the purchaser. Do not serve pork sausages if the order was for beef.
  5. Food processing. Take all efforts to make sure that the food you serve is not made dangerous to your customers' health because of a substance or ingredient you added or removed from the food, or because of any processing methods that you subjected the food to. For instance, if a certain type of sweetener has been proven to affect people's health adversely, that sweetener should not be used, even if it is in your commercial interest to do so.
  6. Traceability. Where did your food products come from? You should know, and you should keep records of all places from which you got your food, as well as all places to which you delivered your food. From time to time, authorities shall be asking for these records, and it is important that you be able to provide them.

Food hygiene legislation is strict, but it is that way for a reason. Keep your commercial premises clean and following these laws to ensure your customers won't get sick and your business will not, as a result, be closed down. It is for everyone's good - but surely, you already knew that.
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Quality pest control is a must in food businesses such as catering, food production, food retail, and food preparation, whether they are operating within business establishments or from home.

The Problem With Pests
Pests are attracted to food premises because they offer shelter and food source. Once pests get into your establishment, they can contaminate your food, cause damage to your building, furnishings and furniture, and also cause diseases. Common pests such as cockroaches, mice and rats can carry viruses and bacteria that can contaminate food and the surfaces that food get into contact with.
A pest infestation can put your product including your business' reputation at risk; if your customers know you have pest problems they won't patronize your business and you may lose trade. Therefore, it is important that you do all you can to prevent pests from getting into your establishment.

The Solutions
Take action. You should do all your best in preventing pests from getting into your premises instead of waiting for the pest to get in before you take action. To save money and make your pest prevention more effective, you should start your pest management outside your building; remove the things that can attract them; and regularly check your premises for signs of pests.

Hire pest controllers. It is best to arrange for a pest control contract with a company or contractor that offer a range of services. Your chosen company should be registered with a recognized pest control association or trade body. Your contractor should be able to tell you about the potential problems, carry out work then check and report the results.
Pest control is not only about putting poisons in place; if your pest problem requires such action, you should leave the handling of poisons to the professionals.

Look after your business premises. The building, layout and design of your food premises should help in preventing contamination by pests. You should at all times keep your building and surroundings clean and tidy. Fix dripping faucets and keep unused equipment and materials liked stored wood metal and garden waste away from the building. Keep food in pest-proof containers off the floor when putting them in the storeroom.

Waste management. Keep your waste bins away from the outside wall of your building and you should have enough storage space to put all waste on a closed fitted cover.
Your staff should be aware of the signs of pests within the business premises. You should immediately contact a pest control contractor if you find a problem so that they can deal with it at once.
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Creating and sticking to an efficient cleaning schedule is important for any food business, not just because it makes the process of maintaining food hygiene standards easier, but because it also acts as a written record for the dreaded Environmental Health Officer (EHO) inspections. However, allocating tasks and completing them is only half the battle. It is vital that business owners make sure that every task is carried out regularly enough and most importantly, that it is done properly and safely.

Our Top 10 Safety Tips when Cleaning
  1. Before you start cleaning, make sure that food is safely stored out of the way and cannot be contaminated
  2. If you are cleaning a refrigerator, cold room or freezer, ensure that the food is kept at a safe temperature outside the danger zone
  3. Switch off and isolate electrical equipment, such as slicers, refrigerators, vending machines, processing machines with dry hands before you start to clean
  4. Ensure that you know how to use a cleaning chemical safely and always follow the manufacturer's instructions
  5. Do not leave items to soak in disinfectant for longer than the manufacturer's recommended contact time because bacteria may become resistant to the chemicals. Never leave them to soak overnight
  6. Wear protective clothing, such as rubber gloves and goggles, appropriate to the job
  7. Never mix chemicals together, they could explode, cause toxic fumes or burn your skin
  8. Work through the stages of cleaning in a way that does not spread dust or dirt, avoid being distracted in a way that puts you, other people or food at risk
  9. Clean and disinfect mops and cloths soon after use and leave them to dry in the air
  10. Always store chemicals, cleaning equipment away from food and only store chemicals in the original labelled containers designed for that purpose
It is important to remember that bacteria can be present on food that arrives at your business and if this is the case, these bacteria will remain present while the food is in storage. It is therefore essential that workspaces are as clean as possible to minimise the chance of such bacteria spreading. Keeping staff up to date with information and informing them of the risks and situations in which bacteria can multiply will give your business the best chance of maintaining a sufficiently hygienic and safe environment.
Cleaning should be considered as part of the job role for anyone who handles food, even in the smallest capacity. Because of this, all staff should be suitably trained for any cleaning tasks they will be expected to carry out so that they know exactly how to go about the process in a safe and reliable manner. As a business owner, if you are depending on your staff to carry out the necessary hygiene maintenance to run an effective food business, you need to be certain that each team member can be trusted to do things properly.
Cleaning should never be an afterthought in any food business and it should be given prominence within the daily routine. A slap dash wipe over surfaces does not mean that they are safe to work on and it won't be considered as a genuine attempt to uphold Food Hygiene Legislation by any EHO
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It is a good thing to follow a healthy diet but it is much better if you're the one preparing the healthy dishes for yourself and for your family. Learning how to prepare delightful recipes is important especially for those people who want to enter the food business. It is not enough for you to taste the food but it is a must that you learn how they are prepared.
When you enter into the food business, you should be hands-on when it comes to managing and supervising your employees on how to properly handle and prepare each recipe that they will serve. This can help prevent the occurrence of food poisoning. Food poisoning is the common result of improper handling and preparation of food. Chefs should make it a habit to ensure that all the ingredients are safe to be used and that the cooking equipment and utensils are well-cleaned and properly stored.
Sea food is an example of food items that easily get spoiled. That is why it is advisable to inspect it thoroughly to be sure that it is fresh and that safe to eat. One important tip when buying sea foods is to purchase only from reputable stores or market. It is better if you buy from someone whom you trust. Check immediately the quality of the seafood and look for signs of spoilage. If you plan to buy crabs or lobsters, it would be best to choose the lives ones to ensure its freshness.
Another tip when buying sea food is to refrigerate it especially if you're not going to cook it that day. This can help maintain the freshness although it Is suggested that you cook the seafood within 2-3 days.
For other fresh food items that you want to buy, it would be better if you ask the vendor or merchant as to where the food came from before deciding whether to buy or not. For those who want to buy meat, it is wise if you buy from reputable stores or vendors. You should also check the color of the meat. Fresh meat is usually red or pinkish in color. Another wise move is to check the license of the vendor or the business permit of the market and make sure that the meats they are selling were checked by authorized meat inspectors.
When it comes to cooking meats, meats differ on what temperature they should be cooked. You should know the recommended temperature for the meat before cooking it to ensure that bacteria and contaminants will get killed upon applying heat.
Cooked food should not be left on the table or in the counter but must immediately be placed in the refrigerator. Never allow the food left longer than 2 hours.
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Kebanyakan orang, pada suatu saat atau lainnya, berpikir untuk memulai bisnis mereka sendiri. Banyak yang tertarik pada bisnis makanan karena, selain pertimbangan lain, orang perlu makan. Jadi, cara apa yang lebih baik untuk membuat bisnis sukses selain memberi orang apa yang mereka inginkan?

Karena memulai bisnis makanan dari awal bisa sangat mahal dan kurang dukungan, banyak calon pengusaha yang tertarik pada waralaba makanan. Waralaba umumnya membutuhkan lebih sedikit investasi keuangan, dan memiliki nama merek yang dikaitkan dengannya sehingga kemungkinan sukses lebih besar.

Tentu saja, jika Anda sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memulai bisnis makanan, langkah pertama Anda adalah memutuskan makanan mana yang akan Anda jual. Jika Anda tidak memiliki Gagasan khusus, akan sangat masuk akal bila Anda berinvestasi pada apa pun yang paling menguntungkan.

Keuntungan, tentu saja, sulit diprediksi untuk setiap usaha makanan. Ada begitu banyak hal yang tidak diketahui dan begitu banyak variabel yang membuat satu bisnis berhasil sedangkan yang lainnya Gagal. Tetapi satu cara pasti untuk memulai dengan benar adalah dengan memilih bisnis makanan yang populer.

Berikut beberapa bisnis makanan yang populer, dan karena itu kemungkinan besar akan menguntungkan.

Bisnis Ayam Goreng

Baik itu di mall, di dekat Pusat perbelanjaan, di perkantorn, atau di dekat sekolah, ayam goreng selalu menjadi makanan populer di kalangan tua dan muda, ayam goreng adalah makanan yang bisa diterima oleh siapa saja yang sulit dikalahkan. Berinvestasi dalam waralaba ayam goreng adalah pilihan yang bagus.

Bisnis Minuman

Siapa yang bisa menolak minuman nikmat di hari yang sibuk, seperti es kelapa muda di musim panas? Atau minuman kopi hangat di musim dingin? Dalam hal ini? Minuman selalu mencetak catatan penjualan yang fantastis yang sepertinya tidak pernah ketinggalan zaman.

Bisnis Masakan Padang

Membuka bisnis masakan Padang bisa menjadi investasi yang sangat sehat dan sangat menguntungkan, apalagi jika Anda memilih franchise masakan Padang. Dengan banyak peluang waralaba masakan Padang yang tersedia, Anda akan memiliki investasi dimuka yang lebih kecil dan dukungan dari pemilik waralaba di belakang Anda.

Meskipun benar ada kekuatan di luar Kendali Anda yang akan menentukan popularitas dan keuntungan waralaba Anda, ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memastikan bisnis makanan Anda sukses.

Pelajari Seluk Beluk Bisnis

Tidak ada yang akan membantu Anda memaksimalkan keuntungan selain memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang semua nuansa bisnis makanan yang Anda pilih. Mengetahui bisnis Anda sejak awal akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan di sepanjang perjalanan bisnis yang akan membantu memaksimalkan keuntungan.


Pastikan Anda menyebarkan promosi tentang usaha makanan baru Anda, apakah itu online atau membuka toko atau restoran, semakin banyak orang tahu tentang bisnis Anda, semakin banyak pelanggan yang akan Anda miliki, dan semakin banyak keuntungan yang bisa Anda peroleh.

Mencari Bantuan

Ini sangat mudah ketika Anda menjadi bagian dari waralaba, tetapi terlepas dari bagaimana struktur bisnis Anda, Anda dapat meminta bantuan dan nasihat sesama pemilik bisnis. Kebanyakan orang sangat ingin membagikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka.

Keuntungan bukanlah satu-satunya penanda kesuksesan, tetapi ini adalah yang penting. Lakukan semua yang Anda bisa untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda, dan Anda pasti akan memiliki karir yang panjang dan sukses sebagai pemilik bisnis makanan.

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So you want to get into the food business? You love to cook or bake and have mama's secret recipe
that's been handed down from generation to generation You have a great product and you are wondering how to bring it to the masses. Here are a few tips from someone who with her sister is doing just that.

1. Where are you producing your product? Is this something you can make in your kitchen at home and sell or do you need a commercial use kitchen? Call your local health department and find out licensing and inspection requirements and restrictions on what you can legally produce and sell from your kitchen at home. If you do need a commercial use kitchen look for a "shared use kitchen" or a "community use kitchen" in your area to start. These generally have a small monthly fee and you pay by the hour when you use the kitchen. This is a great way to keep costs low while you grow your business.

2. Determine price point. Break down what it cost to produce your product and comparison shop. Purchase a similar product through a local speciality food store or market and through an online competitor. Ask yourself can your product command the same price, more or less. What will it cost to put your product in a customer's hand?

3. Labelling. Check with your local state health department and the FDA for labeling requirements. There are federally regulated guidelines you need to follow and there may be local state, city or town labelling requirements. Check on these and make sure you are adhering to them before you hire someone to create your labels. This could be a very costly mistake if you need to reprint your labels or pull your product from a shelf because the labels are incorrect.

4. How are you packaging your product? Wherever you intend on selling your goods, you need to test, test and test. You can't just put perishables in a box and send them. When you order from your competitors pay attention to how you received the goods. Did they include an ice brick or was it vacuum packed for freshness. Is this something your goods would need to arrive in edible condition? Test your packaging in a variety of climates. Send samples to your Aunt Betty who lives in Arizona and ask her to leave the sample outside all day to see how the contents hold up. Remember, when shipping to a residence someone may not be there to immediately take the package into the house and refrigerate. You need to plan for this. If you intend on selling in a store how will your packaging differentiate your product from the rest. Separate your product from the clutter.

5. How many products are you selling? If you are selling more than 1 item, don't be afraid to cut from your list of items, those that don't sell or no one is interested in. Do not get attached to products because they're one of your favourites but no one else is interested in them. When it's something your offer on your website or business, you need to have on hand the ingredients to make it. Never use old ingredients to make a product, it will affect the taste and ruin your reputation. Cut out what is not working. Think of your inventory as money with an expiration date sitting on a shelf just waiting to be thrown away.

There are a lot of other considerations before you start your business such as business name, web address, getting a trademark, business certificates, getting insurance, hiring a lawyer and so on. Make a list and work your list. It all starts when you implement. Remember you can have a great product or idea but if you do nothing about it it's nothing more than a great idea or product. 
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The internet has made starting a business from the comfort of your own home more possible now than ever before. Although there is nothing easy about being an entrepreneur, it is common knowledge that the outcome of starting a venture is very rewarding. The most difficult part is actually getting started. Some people have business ideas that never leave their notebook. Others just want to own a business but don't know where to start. Here are some steps to take in your early planning stages.

1. What are you good at? Not referring to what you would like to do but what are you good at now? Do people like your pumpkin pie? Are you a really great accountant? Do you have team building skills that are out of this world? Sometimes we take our own talents for granted because we use them everyday. However, talents can turn into marketable skills that people will pay for.

2. How do you intend to fund your business? Nothing in the world is free. It takes money to make money. Starting a business will need investing. Don't let having a small amount of capital or not having any capital at all stop you from moving forward. You will invest lots of time when there is not that much money. Having large amount of money to invest still requires time in due diligence to make sure you are hiring the right team to get the job done.

3. Dead set on becoming an entrepreneur but don't think you're good enough at anything? Everyone has a skill set, you just haven't identified yours yet. Think about things that you like and consider start a home based business that offers these things. Home based businesses, also known as direct sales or network marketing, link personal development and growth directly with success. With a small investment, usually less than $500, you can have a ready-made business and become profitable in days. The hugely successful in direct sales usually venture off and start businesses of their own after discovering their hidden talents, learned how to run a business, and now have earned enough money to invest in themselves. Direct sales is a great place to start.

Becoming an entrepreneur is not a journey for the faint at heart. It all starts with an idea, just like anything else. Figure out what your skill set is and focus on turning something that you're good at into a business. Decide how you can invest into your business. Be it time or money, you will have to invest something. If you do not think you have any business ideas, start with a network marketing company to jump-start your business juices.
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Looking into a viable business opportunity, many young potential entrepreneurs have the same
question in mind. And, you're probably thinking, do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? Is this a good time to quit my job and invest all my time into this exciting proposition that I have chanced upon. Before you get into the in-depth details about how good the business is, maybe you need to do some soul-searching and explore your personality. Read ahead to find out about the important traits of successful startup owners.

To begin with, entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do. They'll are truly committed to making their enterprise work and when you meet them, they come across as dynamic, energetic people. Above all, you yourself need to completely believe in the product or services you intend to produce and sell. In addition, you're going to face situations and people who most likely will shoot down every idea you have. It's going to be a tough road. And, you're going to have to struggle all the way and for every aspect of your startup. Whether it is garnering the finances you'll need, looking for suppliers for raw materials, or convincing marketers and buyers, to name a scarce few.

But, the bottom line is that true entrepreneurs are persistent and determined. They don't let the answer, "No!" get them down. There will be days when people actually laugh at you for the concept you have. And, there will be friends and family members telling you not to quit the security of your job to plunge into a venture that may or may not eventually succeed.

Then there is the competition you're going to have to deal with. As you begin exploring your business idea, chances are there are other people out there that are trying to make the same idea work. You have to be able to add that special USP that will make your products stand out from the rest. When your customer asks you, "Why would I want to buy your product as against the many others out there in the market?" You need to be prepared with the right answers.

Which is why; one of the key skills that a successful entrepreneur needs to nail down is - great communication. You'll need strong people skills to sell everything you have in mind - your business concept to your stakeholders, getting support from family, and then convincing customers.

Success does come at a price. And, that price most certainly is hard work. You have to have the drive and determination. And, you need to be prepared to put in long hours at work. This is especially true in the initial stages of your business when you're still finding your feet. Are you prepared to put in 48 hours worth of work each day? If you do then you're on the right track. But, there's one other factor you need to remember. Success can be elusive. And, you're going to face setbacks all the time. Do you have the resilience to stand firm in adverse,e situations and forge ahead no matter what?

If you feel that the person this article is talking about is you, then YES!, You do have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. So, what's stopping you?
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Challenges are a part of human life: some face it in education, some in professions, and some in
relationships. However, what distinguishes us from others is the way we deal with those challenges. Giving in to hardships is easy; standing up to them with a positive mindset is the mark of true courage and trustworthy leadership.

Challenges are a big part of entrepreneurship. Just like a plant requires a lot of care to grow into a strong tree, a new business also demands constant effort, dedicated hard work and, of course, the ability to overcome challenges. Find out a solution to your business problems by going through the following list we've prepared specifically for your ease!

Build Healthy Peer Relations

If you have recently started your business, it means you have hired many new people to fill in various job roles. For a successful running of your business, it is extremely important to build an ambience of trust between you and your employees. Build healthy peer relations with them; arrange weekly meetings not only to keep them updated with company news and plans but also to get their ideas and feedback. Listen to what everybody has to say and offer help in their work-related problems. Be considerate to your employees and they are sure to return the favour.

Utilize Social Media to Attract Customers

If you are managing a small business, your resources are limited and you cannot spend a lot on extensive promotion and advertising campaigns. This is where social media come in handy for making your company known. Initially, promote your business through social networking sites and get help from your friends by asking them to share the link. Once you feel you have got enough clientele, go for wide-scale marketing. It would definitely work!

Handle the Budget

The real challenge a small business faces is the division of resources for various projects. Some projects are likely to return high profit while others might fail. The best solution to this obstacle is to devise a strategy and estimate the time and expenses needed to carry out a project before implementing any plan. If you calculate the approximate cost of projects, it will help you distribute your budget by giving priority to projects with higher effectiveness and a lower cost.

Promote Unique Features of your Product

You need to keep one thing in mind: yours is not the only company with the product you are offering; there are various competitors out there in the market. Gaining advantage over competitors is a big challenge for new companies which can be overcome by promoting the unique features of your product. Be proactive and find influencers that will help you advertise your product and increase your social media presence. Make your product information easy to find and make sure customers are aware of what distinguishes you from the others.
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When starting a business, every entrepreneur dreams of the time the business will grow to be successful and bring in all the big bucks. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. The reality of starting a business is that there will be times of despair, when business is slow and you feel all hope is lost. There will be times when you will have doubts about why you got into business. Entrepreneurship is glamorised and the psychological price of entrepreneurship is rarely ever discussed.

You have to view entrepreneurship or building a business like a child learning to walk. The child will initially fall and stumble, likely graze his knees before he gets the hang of it. Gradually, he can walk and even run.

Business is the same way; in the early days your services may not gain traction in the marketplace and sell quickly, or you may make mistakes along the way that will threaten the existence of your business, or you may have days when you would have to chase after customers before things begin to pick up and move smoothly.

So what is the best way to go through this trying period?

Start small

Start as small as possible. In other words, establish what your minimum viable product (MVP) is. This refers to the most basic version of your product or service that you can offer. It gives you the opportunity to understand what your market wants and improve from there.

Move fast and break things

This simply means, "don't be afraid to try new ideas and be disruptive". Try new ideas and fail fast. If you fail, learn the right lessons and move on fast. In fact, it is one of the advantages to being small - you can implement new ideas quickly.

Secure cash flow quickly

Contrary to belief, profits aren't the key to sustaining a business. It is cash flow. How consistent is your revenue? If you are able to achieve consistent cash flow, profits are not far off.

Treat your customers like king

This is more than just a cliché. It is very important that you offer the best customer service possible. Doing this will make them more than just customers; it will make them your ambassadors.

Fine-tune your company culture and leadership skills

Your company culture means how you do things as a company, your processes, and your interactions among you, your staff and suppliers, among others. If you are unable to get it right when the company is small, it will even be harder as the business grows.

Learn as much as possible about every aspect of the business at this stage

The times will come when the business will be too big for you to micromanage like this, and if there are aspects of it you do not understand, you will have a management crisis waiting to happen.

Implementing the above will able to you to build a structure to enable you to dream big, but start small to help the company grow well.,-Start-Small&id=9328583
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These five tips for women entrepreneurs that will help you immensely on getting funds:

1. Think BIG

Oh dear, there is nothing inspiring about thinking small. Be (or become) a high-impact entrepreneur. That means: Find a problem that impacts a lot of people and solve that problem. Put the destination before the journey so you can get there, align interests, and recruit talent. Stay away from local or small goals to create your business model. If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: DO NOT THINK SMALL.

2. Manage by DATA

Thinking artsy? think again. Define what Data you need to know if you are getting closer or further from your goals, or if you need to modify them. That means: Create KPI (key performance indicators) that are aligned with the goal of your organization, and establish key milestones that help you focus and feel accomplished. Stay away from unsubstantiated information that might as well be a paradigm waiting to be broken.If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: DO NOT MANAGE BY INTUITION

3. Work on Design and Strategy

Boy (I mean girl) that is a hard one. Work ON the business, not IN the business. That means: make your job redundant continuously, learn the basics enough to supervise early on, but quickly hire talent and move to think strategically. Every minute used on doing the work is a minute wasted to think strategically. Stay away from repetitive tasks, use technology or outsource it. If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: GO BEYOND GETTING THE WORK DONE.

4. Become Known

Shake out the boy's club or the men's club. Nurture relationships, everything is right about professional and personal connections. That means: be (or become) a reputable expert in your field, deliver value in your conversations, help and ask for help, and be grateful. It is not what you do but who you are. Stay away from feeling sorry that you are not remembered or recognized, be useful. If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: DO NOT RELY ONLY ON YOUR NETWORK.

5. Be Irreverent

Rejection does not measure your value. Keep your inner voice as more important than other's opinion of you. That means: accept feedback and listen very attentively when someone tells you something you don't want to hear, then filter inappropriate from relevant feedback, and then decided if you accept that feedback. Stay away from making quick judgments without asking enough questions or having data, and accept that no everybody agrees with you. Rejection does not define you, it is an opinion about an idea. Use "What do you mean?." It is a wonderful question. If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: DO NOT PURSUE REINFORCEMENT.


Trust Yourself

A pat in the back does not help you move forward. Yes, failing sucks, and crying can be an option, but retrain yourself to step up. The opposite of success is not failure, it is inaction. That means: shift from victim to hero, life does not happen to you, you happen to life. Trust your capacity to solve challenges. Stay away from (other's) fear from (your) success. Find the relevant support to help you overcome your challenges instead. If you are a woman entrepreneur seeking funds: DO NOT SEEK COMPASSION.
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Banyak juru masak bertujuan untuk menghasilkan uang dari hidangan lezat mereka. Namun, konsep yang baik tidak cukup untuk memulai bisnis catering sendiri. Anda harus merencanakan, mempelajari teknik layanan bisnis dan pelanggan, dan memaksimalkan alat seperti internet dan pemasaran mesin pencari bisnis catering.

Makanan bukan hanya kebutuhan, tetapi juga objek gairah dan, terkadang, obsesi. Banyak yang suka menikmati makanan, sementara juru masak senang memasak untuk mereka. Para juru masak yang sama ini juga sangat ingin menghasilkan uang dari keahlian mereka. Inilah sebabnya mengapa memulai bisnis catering adalah ide yang umum. Masuk ke usaha ini tidak sederhana. Artikel ini akan membahas beberapa hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang menjadikannya besar di industri makanan, dan beberapa sumber daya yang harus Anda gunakan, seperti internet.

1. Ada lebih banyak bisnis catering yang hebat daripada konsepnya

Banyak orang menghubungkan bisnis catering yang sukses dengan konsep yang unik. Ide kreatif ini mungkin menjadi tulang punggung sebuah bisnis catering, tetapi itu hanya salah satu dari banyak bagian. Konsep yang baik hanya akan tetap seperti itu tanpa bakat. Hanya juru masak yang baik yang dapat memunculkan potensi ide bisnis catering yang bagus. Jika Anda seorang juru masak tetapi tidak bisa menangani memimpin sebuah bisnis catering, pastikan Anda menyewa juru masak yang baik dan tim pendukung yang berdedikasi. Tenaga kerja penting dalam bisnis apa pun.

Anda juga harus memikirkan lokasi yang baik - lokasi yang mudah diakses dan ramah bisnis. Konsepnya harus sesuai dengan lokasi, dan orang harus menemukan lokasi itu dengan mudah. Tanpa lokasi yang baik, bisnis Anda tidak akan berkembang.

Jika Anda belum memiliki konsep dalam pikiran, Anda dapat memulai sebaliknya. Ketahui pasar dan lokasi terlebih dahulu. Cari tahu makanan apa yang disukai orang-orang, dan makanan yang cocok dengan lokasi mereka. Risiko dari pendekatan ini adalah Anda mungkin akan datang dengan konsep yang menarik untuk saat ini tetapi tidak memiliki potensi untuk bertahan lama. Sebagai seorang wirausahawan, Anda harus memiliki visi bisnis yang baik dikombinasikan dengan tuntutan orang.

2. Menu makanan

Membuat menu makanan sangat penting dalam memulai bisnis catering atau kios makanan. Biarkan menu singkat, tetapi bekerja dengan cerdas dalam membuatnya terasa yang terbaik. Menu dengan variasi yang sangat besar hanya bisa mengeja malapetaka untuk staf Anda. Mulai dari yang kecil tetapi buatlah spesialisasi dari itu. Di sinilah Anda dapat membangun identitas bisnis Anda.

3. Memajukan!

Keluarkan semua sumber daya yang memungkinkan di mana Anda dapat mempromosikan bisnis Anda. Jika Anda memiliki anggaran, tempelkan rambu-rambu di sekitar kota Anda dengan nama dan alamat bisnis Anda. Gunakan kreativitas Anda dan sertakan peta atau instruksi untuk sampai ke bisnis catering Anda. Kenalkan beberapa strategi seperti potongan harga untuk sekitar 50 pengunjung pertama.

Internet adalah media gratis di mana Anda juga dapat mempromosikan bisnis Anda. Bangun situs web dan maksimalkan situs sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter untuk menyebarkan berita ke jaringan Anda. Anda memiliki opsi untuk menyewa layanan profesional. Optimalisasi mesin pencari dapat membantu bisnis Anda lebih terlihat online. Bahkan ada cara khusus untuk industri Anda: pemasaran mesin pencari bisnis catering. Penyedia Dedikasikan ini untuk pengguna yang tertarik dengan bisnis catering. Ini memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan lebih banyak pemasok dan pelanggan.

4. Eksekusi

Layanan catering berkualitas sangat penting dalam bisnis catering apa pun. Pemilik harus memastikan bahwa karyawan mereka memperlakukan pelanggan mereka dengan benar. Jangan memotong sudut, terutama dengan apa pun yang langsung menuju ke para tamu, seperti bahan dan peralatan. Alokasikan sebagian dari anggaran Anda untuk peningkatan reguler, baik itu menu atau bisnis catering.

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Banyak orang berpikir untuk memulai bisnis. Mereka bercita-cita menjadi pengusaha. Ide untuk menjadi pemilik bisnis yang bisa membuat keputusan penting sendiri, dan memiliki kebebasan finansial, cukup menarik. Sebagai pemilik bisnis, saya sering ditanya bagaimana Anda tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk memulai bisnis Anda sendiri.

Seringkali tubuh Anda akan memberi tahu Anda sudah waktunya. Jika Anda mengalami kejenuhan di Minggu malam Senin hanya karena berpikir harus pergi kerja keesokan harinya, mungkin inilah waktunya. Jika Anda sering berpindah-pindah dari satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan lain, karena sangat cepat bosan, mungkin inilah saatnya. Atau jika Anda melihat jam, menunggu makan siang, lalu tiba saatnya untuk berangkat, mungkin sudah waktunya.

Tidak ada Jawaban pasti, tetapi ada langkah-langkah yang harus diambil untuk mempersiapkannya.

Temukan Minat Anda.

Jika Anda tidak tahu apa yang ingin Anda lakukan, maka itu adalah proyek pertama Anda. Tentukan minat Anda. Gairah membantu Anda melewati banyak masa sulit. Apa yang Anda suka lakukan? Apa yang akan Anda lakukan secara gratis jika Anda tidak membutuhkan uang? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan memandu Anda untuk memilih visi baru Anda.

Jangan Hanya Tiba-Tiba Berhenti dari Pekerjaan, Anda Harus Punya Tujuan.

Berhenti dari pekerjaan tanpa rencana atau tujuan seringkali bukanlah hal yang baik. Buat rencana bersama. Tentukan tanggal untuk menyerahkan pengunduran diri Anda dari pekerjaan Anda saat ini. Bekerja selama malam hari dan akhir pekan mempersiapkan keberangkatan Anda.

Sebagian besar bisnis baru memiliki periode peningkatan, jadi memiliki bisnis yang sudah berjalan - meskipun hanya paruh waktu - akan memberi Anda penghasilan langsung sejak awal. Anda tentu tidak ingin keluar dari sumber penghasilan Anda tanpa dana yang sudah masuk.

Bersiaplah secara Finansial.

Bayar hutang sebanyak yang Anda bisa. Siapkan sejumlah uang untuk menambah pendapatan bisnis Anda sehingga Anda dapat terus memenuhi semua tanggung Jawab keuangan Anda.

Saat Anda masih bekerja penuh waktu, ajukan permohonan kartu kredit atas nama Anda dan atas nama bisnis Anda. Simpan mereka di tempat yang aman dan gunakan hanya dalam keadaan darurat.

Anda Harus Sehat

Anda akan menghabiskan berjam-jam beberapa tahun pertama Anda. Ada lebih dari sekadar menemukan pelanggan. Anda akan memiliki proses dan prosedur untuk dibuat, situs web yang akan dibuat, materi pemasaran untuk desain, jaringan yang harus dilakukan, akun media sosial untuk dibuat dan dipelihara, penawaran harga yang harus disiapkan, faktur untuk dikirim, perjalanan ke bank, dll. Apakah Anda punya layanan atau produk, Anda harus melakukan semua ini, dan banyak lagi.

Karena kemungkinan besar Anda akan menghadapi stres, bekerja berjam-jam, dan sering lupa makan, Anda harus mempertimbangkan kesehatan Anda. Konsumsi vitamin, olahraga, dan makan makanan yang sehat dan seimbang. Saat ngemil, pilih makanan sehat. Minum banyak air.


Apakah ada waktu yang tepat untuk memulai bisnis? Hanya Anda yang tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk Anda.

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Hari ini saya ingin berbagi dengan Anda sumber daya yang sangat berharga yang akan mengubah hidup Anda dan memberi Anda terobosan yang pantas Anda dapatkan. Ini tautannya:

Sumber daya ini hanya memiliki satu tujuan, yaitu untuk menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana membuat perubahan besar dalam hidup Anda dan mulai hidup dengan cara yang pantas Anda terima.

Apakah Anda siap untuk mengubah keyakinan Anda tentang apa yang mungkin dalam setiap bidang kehidupan Anda?

Apakah Anda siap untuk nasihat praktis lengkap, latihan dan teknik baru?

Apakah Anda siap untuk keluar dan berprestasi?

Jika Anda berkata ya, Anda akan menyukai sumber daya ini, disebut Terobosan untuk Hidup yang Layak Anda Dapatkan!

Ini akan membantu Anda melenyapkan ketakutan, hambatan, dan keyakinan yang tertanam dalam yang menahan Anda dan memicu hasil baru yang sudah Anda miliki di dalam diri Anda.

Itu pasti berhasil untuk saya dan Anda, tanpa terkecuali. Klik di sini untuk melihatnya:

Dalam terobosan menuju kehidupan yang layak Anda dapatkan, Anda akan belajar tentang beberapa hal, seperti:

  1. Bagaimana pikiran Anda mengendalikan pikiran, dunia, dan tindakan Anda,
  2. Psikologi pengambilan keputusan dan kekuatan yang mengatur setiap pilihan yang Anda buat,
  3. Bagaimana otak Anda menipu Anda agar tidak berubah serta cara untuk menemukan tanda-tandanya dan Anda tidak akan tertipu dengan mudah lagi,
  4. Perbedaan antara orang sukses dan orang yang mengalami kegagalan, dan cara mereka berpikir,
  5. Bagaimana mengatur sumber daya Anda untuk mempersiapkan kehidupan yang lebih baik,
  6. Panduan langkah demi langkah untuk membangun pribadi Anda, seperti potensi Anda, kelebihan Anda, kekurangan Anda, dan cara mengelola semuanya.

Percayalah, Anda akan mendapat banyak manfaat dari terobosan menuju kehidupan yang layak Anda dapatkan.

Untuk mempelajari untuk hidup sepenuhnya lebih lanjut, buka di sini:

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