Tips on How to Choose Fresh Food Items

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It is a good thing to follow a healthy diet but it is much better if you're the one preparing the healthy dishes for yourself and for your family. Learning how to prepare delightful recipes is important especially for those people who want to enter the food business. It is not enough for you to taste the food but it is a must that you learn how they are prepared.
When you enter into the food business, you should be hands-on when it comes to managing and supervising your employees on how to properly handle and prepare each recipe that they will serve. This can help prevent the occurrence of food poisoning. Food poisoning is the common result of improper handling and preparation of food. Chefs should make it a habit to ensure that all the ingredients are safe to be used and that the cooking equipment and utensils are well-cleaned and properly stored.
Sea food is an example of food items that easily get spoiled. That is why it is advisable to inspect it thoroughly to be sure that it is fresh and that safe to eat. One important tip when buying sea foods is to purchase only from reputable stores or market. It is better if you buy from someone whom you trust. Check immediately the quality of the seafood and look for signs of spoilage. If you plan to buy crabs or lobsters, it would be best to choose the lives ones to ensure its freshness.
Another tip when buying sea food is to refrigerate it especially if you're not going to cook it that day. This can help maintain the freshness although it Is suggested that you cook the seafood within 2-3 days.
For other fresh food items that you want to buy, it would be better if you ask the vendor or merchant as to where the food came from before deciding whether to buy or not. For those who want to buy meat, it is wise if you buy from reputable stores or vendors. You should also check the color of the meat. Fresh meat is usually red or pinkish in color. Another wise move is to check the license of the vendor or the business permit of the market and make sure that the meats they are selling were checked by authorized meat inspectors.
When it comes to cooking meats, meats differ on what temperature they should be cooked. You should know the recommended temperature for the meat before cooking it to ensure that bacteria and contaminants will get killed upon applying heat.
Cooked food should not be left on the table or in the counter but must immediately be placed in the refrigerator. Never allow the food left longer than 2 hours.

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