Selling Food and Drink Online: Product Descriptions Top Tips
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Selling food and drink online can sometimes mean exercising creative muscles you might not have used in a long time. If writing about your products isn’t something that comes naturally, fear not! We’ve put together some top tips for writing product descriptions – inspiration guaranteed.
Whether you’re about to start selling online for the first time or thinking of fine-tuning your existing online shop, here are 5 key tips to help you overcome that dreaded writers block.
1. Who are you writing for?
Having a clear idea in mind of who you’re writing for before you get started and this will make the whole process of writing product descriptions much easier.
If you don’t have any direct experience to draw from, who can you imagine buying your products online? Who would your dream customer be?
2. Answer their questions
Now that you have an image of your customer in your mind, imagine what would be going through their head before buying your product online. What would they want to know? What questions would they have? The health-conscious foodie might want to know about the exact provenance of your ingredients and suitability for her special diet. While the gift-hunting husband might be more concerned about whether your will arrive in drool-worthy packaging (and, whether you can save his bacon by delivering the goods on time).
Make a list of questions you think your customer might ask, and ensure you answer these key points in your product copy.
3. Know what makes you different
These exquisite details can make all the difference when it comes to differentiating your products and standing out from the crowd online. So don’t forget to include them when writing product descriptions for your shop.
4. Don’t be afraid to sell
Remember that when buying online, customers don’t have the opportunity to pick up, smell or taste your wonderful creations. So while it’s absolutely true that your product photographs have a crucial role to play in grabbing browsers’ attention and showing off your wares, your product descriptions need to fill in any gaps. Imagine you’re selling face-to-face at a fair or market – what would you be telling potential customers there?
Whether it’s suggestions for how to use your product, the fact it’s a Great Taste Award Winner or sharing praise other customers have lavished on your range – don’t be afraid you’re being “salesy” – just tell it like it is.
5. Tell stories
Whether it’s the fact you make your gourmet marshmallows in small batches from your family kitchen in Cornwall or that you’re a fourth generation cook using recipes handed-down by your Great, Great Granny….. if stories form an important part of your brand, weave them throughout your shop.