Creating and sticking to an efficient cleaning schedule is important for any food business, not just because it makes the process of maintaining food hygiene standards easier, but because it also acts as a written record for the dreaded Environmental Health Officer (EHO) inspections. However, allocating tasks and completing them is only half the battle. It is vital that business owners make sure that every task is carried out regularly enough and most importantly, that it is done properly and safely.

Our Top 10 Safety Tips when Cleaning
  1. Before you start cleaning, make sure that food is safely stored out of the way and cannot be contaminated
  2. If you are cleaning a refrigerator, cold room or freezer, ensure that the food is kept at a safe temperature outside the danger zone
  3. Switch off and isolate electrical equipment, such as slicers, refrigerators, vending machines, processing machines with dry hands before you start to clean
  4. Ensure that you know how to use a cleaning chemical safely and always follow the manufacturer's instructions
  5. Do not leave items to soak in disinfectant for longer than the manufacturer's recommended contact time because bacteria may become resistant to the chemicals. Never leave them to soak overnight
  6. Wear protective clothing, such as rubber gloves and goggles, appropriate to the job
  7. Never mix chemicals together, they could explode, cause toxic fumes or burn your skin
  8. Work through the stages of cleaning in a way that does not spread dust or dirt, avoid being distracted in a way that puts you, other people or food at risk
  9. Clean and disinfect mops and cloths soon after use and leave them to dry in the air
  10. Always store chemicals, cleaning equipment away from food and only store chemicals in the original labelled containers designed for that purpose
It is important to remember that bacteria can be present on food that arrives at your business and if this is the case, these bacteria will remain present while the food is in storage. It is therefore essential that workspaces are as clean as possible to minimise the chance of such bacteria spreading. Keeping staff up to date with information and informing them of the risks and situations in which bacteria can multiply will give your business the best chance of maintaining a sufficiently hygienic and safe environment.
Cleaning should be considered as part of the job role for anyone who handles food, even in the smallest capacity. Because of this, all staff should be suitably trained for any cleaning tasks they will be expected to carry out so that they know exactly how to go about the process in a safe and reliable manner. As a business owner, if you are depending on your staff to carry out the necessary hygiene maintenance to run an effective food business, you need to be certain that each team member can be trusted to do things properly.
Cleaning should never be an afterthought in any food business and it should be given prominence within the daily routine. A slap dash wipe over surfaces does not mean that they are safe to work on and it won't be considered as a genuine attempt to uphold Food Hygiene Legislation by any EHO
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It is a good thing to follow a healthy diet but it is much better if you're the one preparing the healthy dishes for yourself and for your family. Learning how to prepare delightful recipes is important especially for those people who want to enter the food business. It is not enough for you to taste the food but it is a must that you learn how they are prepared.
When you enter into the food business, you should be hands-on when it comes to managing and supervising your employees on how to properly handle and prepare each recipe that they will serve. This can help prevent the occurrence of food poisoning. Food poisoning is the common result of improper handling and preparation of food. Chefs should make it a habit to ensure that all the ingredients are safe to be used and that the cooking equipment and utensils are well-cleaned and properly stored.
Sea food is an example of food items that easily get spoiled. That is why it is advisable to inspect it thoroughly to be sure that it is fresh and that safe to eat. One important tip when buying sea foods is to purchase only from reputable stores or market. It is better if you buy from someone whom you trust. Check immediately the quality of the seafood and look for signs of spoilage. If you plan to buy crabs or lobsters, it would be best to choose the lives ones to ensure its freshness.
Another tip when buying sea food is to refrigerate it especially if you're not going to cook it that day. This can help maintain the freshness although it Is suggested that you cook the seafood within 2-3 days.
For other fresh food items that you want to buy, it would be better if you ask the vendor or merchant as to where the food came from before deciding whether to buy or not. For those who want to buy meat, it is wise if you buy from reputable stores or vendors. You should also check the color of the meat. Fresh meat is usually red or pinkish in color. Another wise move is to check the license of the vendor or the business permit of the market and make sure that the meats they are selling were checked by authorized meat inspectors.
When it comes to cooking meats, meats differ on what temperature they should be cooked. You should know the recommended temperature for the meat before cooking it to ensure that bacteria and contaminants will get killed upon applying heat.
Cooked food should not be left on the table or in the counter but must immediately be placed in the refrigerator. Never allow the food left longer than 2 hours.
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Kebanyakan orang, pada suatu saat atau lainnya, berpikir untuk memulai bisnis mereka sendiri. Banyak yang tertarik pada bisnis makanan karena, selain pertimbangan lain, orang perlu makan. Jadi, cara apa yang lebih baik untuk membuat bisnis sukses selain memberi orang apa yang mereka inginkan?

Karena memulai bisnis makanan dari awal bisa sangat mahal dan kurang dukungan, banyak calon pengusaha yang tertarik pada waralaba makanan. Waralaba umumnya membutuhkan lebih sedikit investasi keuangan, dan memiliki nama merek yang dikaitkan dengannya sehingga kemungkinan sukses lebih besar.

Tentu saja, jika Anda sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memulai bisnis makanan, langkah pertama Anda adalah memutuskan makanan mana yang akan Anda jual. Jika Anda tidak memiliki Gagasan khusus, akan sangat masuk akal bila Anda berinvestasi pada apa pun yang paling menguntungkan.

Keuntungan, tentu saja, sulit diprediksi untuk setiap usaha makanan. Ada begitu banyak hal yang tidak diketahui dan begitu banyak variabel yang membuat satu bisnis berhasil sedangkan yang lainnya Gagal. Tetapi satu cara pasti untuk memulai dengan benar adalah dengan memilih bisnis makanan yang populer.

Berikut beberapa bisnis makanan yang populer, dan karena itu kemungkinan besar akan menguntungkan.

Bisnis Ayam Goreng

Baik itu di mall, di dekat Pusat perbelanjaan, di perkantorn, atau di dekat sekolah, ayam goreng selalu menjadi makanan populer di kalangan tua dan muda, ayam goreng adalah makanan yang bisa diterima oleh siapa saja yang sulit dikalahkan. Berinvestasi dalam waralaba ayam goreng adalah pilihan yang bagus.

Bisnis Minuman

Siapa yang bisa menolak minuman nikmat di hari yang sibuk, seperti es kelapa muda di musim panas? Atau minuman kopi hangat di musim dingin? Dalam hal ini? Minuman selalu mencetak catatan penjualan yang fantastis yang sepertinya tidak pernah ketinggalan zaman.

Bisnis Masakan Padang

Membuka bisnis masakan Padang bisa menjadi investasi yang sangat sehat dan sangat menguntungkan, apalagi jika Anda memilih franchise masakan Padang. Dengan banyak peluang waralaba masakan Padang yang tersedia, Anda akan memiliki investasi dimuka yang lebih kecil dan dukungan dari pemilik waralaba di belakang Anda.

Meskipun benar ada kekuatan di luar Kendali Anda yang akan menentukan popularitas dan keuntungan waralaba Anda, ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memastikan bisnis makanan Anda sukses.

Pelajari Seluk Beluk Bisnis

Tidak ada yang akan membantu Anda memaksimalkan keuntungan selain memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang semua nuansa bisnis makanan yang Anda pilih. Mengetahui bisnis Anda sejak awal akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan di sepanjang perjalanan bisnis yang akan membantu memaksimalkan keuntungan.


Pastikan Anda menyebarkan promosi tentang usaha makanan baru Anda, apakah itu online atau membuka toko atau restoran, semakin banyak orang tahu tentang bisnis Anda, semakin banyak pelanggan yang akan Anda miliki, dan semakin banyak keuntungan yang bisa Anda peroleh.

Mencari Bantuan

Ini sangat mudah ketika Anda menjadi bagian dari waralaba, tetapi terlepas dari bagaimana struktur bisnis Anda, Anda dapat meminta bantuan dan nasihat sesama pemilik bisnis. Kebanyakan orang sangat ingin membagikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka.

Keuntungan bukanlah satu-satunya penanda kesuksesan, tetapi ini adalah yang penting. Lakukan semua yang Anda bisa untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda, dan Anda pasti akan memiliki karir yang panjang dan sukses sebagai pemilik bisnis makanan.

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